Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 1400–1700
Organized by ESF Research Networking Programme PALATIUM Institut für Kunstgeschichte – LMU Munich
The master class will focus on the late medieval and early modern European court residence or ‘palace’ in an interdisciplinary perspective. The world of the courts 1400–1700 constituted a network of truly European scale and international character, but its architecture is only rarely studied in its connectivity. Here the ‘palace’ is seen as a place for cultural exchange. Human interaction in this space is regulated and codified by a set of rules, known as the ‘ceremonial’.
The interaction between palace architecture (tangible), including its interior decorations and stately collections, and the ceremonial (intangible, but known through a set of tangible testimonials of different types, written and visual) is one of the key issues this master class aims to address. The palace’s space and form carry multiple connotations. To the informed observer they represent power, lineage, and tradition versus innovation. The decoding of this system of signs necessitates input not only of architectural and art historians, but also of various other disciplines, such as archaeology, social history, politics, literature, theatre and music.
Important questions that will be addressed concern the sovereignty’s space and its rituals. Of crucial importance in the ceremonial and spatial organization of the residences were the etiquette and settings used for the official confrontation between different courts at diplomatic receptions of foreign princes, ambassadors and other distinguished visitors. How was the spatial order and hierarchy of rooms, leading from the entrance of the residence to the audience hall or the stage for stately banquets? How were the different levels of distance or closeness to the nucleus of power visually expressed? What was the relationship between the state rooms and the private sections of the residence?
The iconography of the residence’s exterior and interiors will also be discussed, especially the display of lineage, kinship, and tradition. Claims of age‐old and noble origin were of vital symbolic and identity‐creating value for several European courts, regardless of political status and size. Were particular iconographic meanings expressed in relation to specific local or regional circumstances? Were the symbolic values displayed only in the more public areas, or were less accessible parts of the residence also the object of significant iconographic programs? Which role had art collections here?
The lectures at the master class will deal with residences all over Europe. The excursions will focus on relevant examples in and around Munich. Like the three PALATIUM summer schools held in Utrecht and Madrid in 2012, 2013 and 2014, the Munich master class aims at stimulating exchanges of knowledge and experience by offering lectures by historians, architectural historians and art historians, and is open to junior researchers (such as Research Master students and PhD students) in these and related disciplines and from all nationalities.
Lectures will be given by an international group of experts, including: Krista De Jonge (University of Leuven), Marc Grellert (TU Darmstadt), Mark Hengerer (LMU Munich), Stephan Hoppe (LMU Munich), Pieter Martens (Université catholique de Louvain), Fabian Persson (Linnaeus University), Nuno Senos (Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
Call for participation : here
Source de l’information : Court residences
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