
Merchants of Print:

from Venice to Manchester

29 janv. – 21 juin 2015

Organiser: The John Rylands Library

Aldo Manuzio

This exhibition celebrates the legacy of Aldus Manutius (1449 – 1515), an Italian humanist scholar who founded the Aldine Press at Venice.

His publishing legacy includes scholarly editions of classical authors, the introduction of italic type, and the development of books in small formats that were read much like modern paperbacks. The firm was continued after his death by his son and grandson until 1598.

The John Rylands Library holds one of the largest collections of Aldine editions in the world. Many of these come from the Spencer library, purchased by Mrs Rylands in 1892.

There are also other stories of local collectors, such as Richard Copley Christie and David Lloyd Roberts, and how the citizens of 19th century Manchester looked to Italy, and Venice in particular, for inspiration.

Source de l’information : http://events.manchester.ac.uk/event/event:vlj-i2ygwu6y-ok4e9f/merchants-of-print-from-venice-to-manchester

Giulia Ventrella-Proust

Giulia Ventrella-Proust est chargée de la gestion du projet de recherche international EDITEF, coordonné par Chiara Lastraioli et portant sur "Le livre italien dans l'espace francophone à la première modernité" (Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance). Elle s'occupe du suivi et de la coordination du projet, ainsi que de la recherche scientifique et de sa valorisation auprès de la communauté scientifique et du grand public.

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Giulia Ventrella-Proust (12 février 2015). Exposition. EDITEF. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/o275

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