Vient de paraître

Anton Francesco Doni

Lo Stufaiuolo

édition numérique réalisée par Elena Pierazzo

dans Scholarly Editing, revue annuelle de l’Association for Documentary Editing

[édition en ligne]



“The Stufaiuolo is certainly not the most beautiful or original play of the Italian Renaissance, yet it holds much to tempt the modern reader. From its unusual plot to the aesthetic value of the manuscripts to the originality of its language and the ingenuity of the punctuation, it seems clear that the Stufaiuolo has been neglected for too long. The current edition fills this gap and offers its readers the tools for a full appreciation of all aspects of this comedy. Despite being around for more than twenty years, digital editions still seem to need to justify themselves. This edition of the Stufaiuolo is no exception to that rule, in particular because it is very unusual in the field of Italian Studies to offer the edition of a single work on the web. I can only hope that presenting the text in this way will establish a practice that has so much to offer to editors and readers alike.”

… continuer la lecture ICI


Chiara Lastraioli

Responsable scientifique et gestionnaire du projet EDITEF (Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours)

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