Appel à candidatures : Le STUDIUM research fellowship

LE STUDIUM®, institut pour les études avancées de la vallée de la Loire, est une structure d’accueil de chercheurs étrangers de très haut niveau dans les laboratoires de la Région Centre.


LE STUDIUM RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP – SMART  LOIRE VALLEY GENERAL PROGRAMME (Open to experimented international researchers* )

Research Field:  European Patrimony



logo_cesrThe  Center for  Superior Studies of the Renaissance (CESR) is the Education and Research Unit (UFR) University  François – Rabelais of Tours and Mixed Research Unit (UMR) 7323 affiliated with the CNRS . I n 1996 the CESR re – affirmed its commitment to interdisciplinary research into key themes of European patrimony (including musicology,  art history and the history of the book), in an accord with the French Ministry of Culture, the CNRS and University  François – Rab elais of Tours. The CESR is an education and research centre , which welcomes students and researchers wishing to acquire an initial  or additional university education in all domains of the Renaissance. The CESR enjoys a double status, being at once  a UFR (Education and Research Unit) within the University  François – Rabela is of Tours and a UMR (Mixed Research  Unit 7323) affiliated with the CNRS (National Research Institute). The CESR’s research programmes are structured  according to disciplinary teams (history, history of art, French, neo – Latin and European literature, phil osophy,  musicology, history of science and techniques), research fields and team projects.


This research project is  the responsibility of  Professor  Chiara Lastraioli,  Director of the Maison des Sciences de  l’Homme Val de Loire  – USR 3501 . It focus es on the literature produced within the Italian  community that immigrated  to Geneva because of their religious convictions, extending from the 1540s to the beginning of the  17 th century,  when Geneva was governed by Jean Calvin and, later, by the administrative bodies emanating from his authority.  The objective of the p roject is a comprehensive study  of the texts published in Italian in  the dominated by censorship  Calvinist Geneva during the second half of the 16th century (and the early years of the 17th). One of the primary  intentions of this study is to take an inventory of the text s published ; then, to evaluate the stylistic, rhetorical and  linguistic impact of  Calvinist though t and theology in these texts. It is proposed to include an analysis that also takes  into account the political and social contexts in which these texts were designed and realised: the censorship put in  place by Calvin (and by the administrative organisms  emanating from his authority), the market and the  dissemination of Italian  books in a Reformation context.


The candidate must s how a deep experience in Romance Studies (Italian and French studies), as well as a research  experience in the field of the relationship between Italian Language and Literature, History of  the  Book and Religion  in Early Modern Europe. The candidate must ha ve a firm knowledge of the Renaissance religious literature and  propaganda. The candidate will be expected to participate in meetings of research gro ups and seminars organised by  LE STUDIUM and the Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance, and to promote a workshop on the topics of  this project. Publications o n the topics of research are expected .


Deadline for application is 31st of December 2015

Please  make your application online on LE STUDIUM website  – Apply section . – Enter your candidate information – Complete the online application form – Upload your resume (no more than 2 pages)  and motivation letter

En savoir plus.

Giulia Ventrella-Proust

Giulia Ventrella-Proust est chargée de la gestion du projet de recherche international EDITEF, coordonné par Chiara Lastraioli et portant sur "Le livre italien dans l'espace francophone à la première modernité" (Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance). Elle s'occupe du suivi et de la coordination du projet, ainsi que de la recherche scientifique et de sa valorisation auprès de la communauté scientifique et du grand public.

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