Italian Academies and their Networks, 1525-1700.
From Local to Global
Simone Testa
This book examines Italian academies as one of the most important social and intellectual phenomena of the Italian peninsula in the early modern period. It argues that academies should be studied as networks of individuals and his critical reading adds an important aspect of early modern social networks and their impact on European culture. Italian Academies and Their Networks, 1525-1700: From Local to Global is divided into four chapters that explore the representations of Italian academies from the sixteenth century to our days, academies and politics in Venice, illustrated biographies as ‘facebooks’ in four different academies, and Italian academies an as the basis for later networks.
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Giulia Ventrella-Proust (18 novembre 2015). Vient de paraître. EDITEF. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse