The Seminar in History of the Book (2017)
20 January 2017 (Week 1)
* Professor Ian Maclean (All Souls College, Oxford), The Italian Trade with the Frankfurt Book Fair around 1600.
27 January 2017 (Week 2)
* Dr Louis-Gabriel Bonicoli (Paris), Parisian Early Printed Book Illustration (around 1500).
3 February 2017 (Week 3)
* Professor Stephen Oakley (Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University), Incunabular Stemmatics.
10 February 2017 (Week 4)
* Dr Jeremiah Dittmar (Department of Economics, London School of Economics), The Price of Books in Early Modern Europe: An Economic Perspective.
24 February 2017 (Week 6)
* Dr David Speranzi (Firenze, Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul Rinascimento), Greek Script and Type in the Fifteenth century. Demetrius Damilas between Milan and Florence.
3 March 2017 (Week 7)
* Dr Paul Needham (Scheide Library, Princeton University Library), The Gutenberg Bible in the Context of Fifteenth-Century Manuscript Bibles.
10 March 2017 (Week 8)
* Professor Rodolfo Savelli (Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università di Genova), Printing the Corpus iuris civilis in the Sixteenth Century.
Source de l’information :
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Giulia Ventrella-Proust (31 janvier 2017). Cycle de séminaires. EDITEF. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse