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Research Positions Vacancies


The 15cBOOKTRADE is a five-year, ERC-funded research project which started on 1 April 2014, led by Dr Cristina Dondi at the University of Oxford. The project is now seeking to appoint three postdoctoral researchers (based in Oxford, the British Library, and Venice), and one student based in Oxford.

Honorat fleuron

1. 15cBOOKTRADE: Postdoctoral Researcher — University of Oxford

Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages and The Bodleian Library : ‘The 15th-century Book Trade: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance’

Vacancy ID: 113236
Applicants should apply online via <

Closing Date: 5 June 2014

2. 15cBOOKTRADE: Postdoctoral Researcher — The British Library, London

University of Oxford, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages : ‘The 15th-century Book Trade: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance’

Vacancy ID: 113237
Applicants should apply online via <

Closing Date: 5 June 2014

3. 15cBOOKTRADE: Postdoctoral Researcher — Venice, Italy

University of Oxford, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages : ‘Then 15th-century Book Trade: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance’

Vacancy ID: 113235
Applicants should apply online via <

Closing Date: 5 June 2014

 4. 15cBOOKTRADE: Doctoral Researcher (DPhil) — University of Oxford

Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages and Lincoln College :  ‘The 15th-century Book Trade: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance’

Vacancy ID: XXXXXXX (will appear shortly!)

Applicants should apply online via <

Closing Date: 5 June 2014

Honorat fleuron

Giulia Ventrella-Proust

Giulia Ventrella-Proust est chargée de la gestion du projet de recherche international EDITEF, coordonné par Chiara Lastraioli et portant sur "Le livre italien dans l'espace francophone à la première modernité" (Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance). Elle s'occupe du suivi et de la coordination du projet, ainsi que de la recherche scientifique et de sa valorisation auprès de la communauté scientifique et du grand public.

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