Appel à proposition

Call for applications John Rylands Research Institute Visiting Fellowships

© CESR, Tours - BVHThe John Rylands Research Institute is a partnership between The University of Manchester Library and The University of Manchester to reveal and explore hidden ideas and knowledge contained within our world-leading Special Collections.

The Library’s Special Collections count among the foremost repositories of primary sources in the UK, with research potential across an exceptionally broad array of disciplines. Candidates, whether in established academic posts or not, should at least hold a doctorate at the time of application.

Successful applicants will be reimbursed expenses up to £1,500 per month for up to 3 months, to cover travel, accommodation and living expenses during the Fellowship. All applications must be based strongly on the Special Collections of the University of Manchester Library.

Applications in the areas of Revolutions in Print, Religions and Science and Medicine are especially welcome, as are those that have the potential to result in high-profile publications.

Fellowships can be taken up at a mutually agreed time between 1 January and 31st July 2015.

Deadline for applications: 30 September 2014 (decisions by 20 December 2014).

Visiting Fellows Application Form (MS Word)

Source : The University of Manchester Library (

Giulia Ventrella-Proust

Giulia Ventrella-Proust est chargée de la gestion du projet de recherche international EDITEF, coordonné par Chiara Lastraioli et portant sur "Le livre italien dans l'espace francophone à la première modernité" (Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance). Elle s'occupe du suivi et de la coordination du projet, ainsi que de la recherche scientifique et de sa valorisation auprès de la communauté scientifique et du grand public.

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