Archives par mot-clé : CERL

Un portail dédié aux célébrations du V centenaire de la mort d’Alde l’Ancien

Manutius Network 2015

Un projet du CERL


Aldo Manuzio

Few printers have contributed as much to the advancement of the humanist book as Aldus Manutius (c. 1451 – 1515). His family press was active in Venice, Bologna and Rome for over a century, from 1494 to 1598. Its publications have been collected and studied up to the present day as milestones in the development of Western civilisation. Manutius Network 2015 is a website dedicated to the events for the celebrations of the fifth centenary of Aldus’s death. The aim is to provide a comprehensive picture of the conferences, seminars and exhibitions in honour of Aldus, the Aldine press and its books taking place throughout the world. Organisers are warmly invited to share details of their events and seize the opportunity for publicizing them and for collaborating with colleagues across the globe. The project is developed under the auspices of the CERL.

Surf the Manutius Network 2015 by clicking on the single events in the calendar below.


CERL Annual Seminar 2014: ‘About Text Encoding’

28 October 2014

© CESR, Tours - BVH

– General introduction about CERL and its services.

– OCR-ing early-printed books and manuscripts. In a range of papers offered by the IMPACT Centre for Excellence, the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance in Tours, the DHLAB in Lausanne, the National Library of Norway, the Bayerische Staatsbiblithek in München, and the universities of Oxford and Groningen. We will hear about the Monk project, AGORA, RETRO, the Bibliothèques Virtuelles Humanistes, the Venice Time Machine, Google efforts in this field and the Text Creation Partnership.

Please, register your attendance by sending a message to

Source  de l’information :

Appel à propositions

CERL Internship and Placement Grant

Honorat fleuronAt the Coordinating Committee and Annual General Meetings which took place in Warsaw in October 2013, it was agreed to establish one CERL Grant every year, of the value of 1,000 Euros, to allow qualified librarians and scholars to work on CERL projects in CERL libraries, or in CERL offices, and to be trained on CERL databases, generally for a period of one month.

This grant can only be assigned once to the same person. Applications not selected but positively vetted will be notified that they can be put in again for the next round.

A written report for the CERL webpage and Newsletter, and/or a presentation in person will be expected at the end of the internship/placement.


The applicant should send one A4 letter of application stating preferences of destination, preferences of research projects, or collections to work on, and the name of one referee who can be contacted by CERL. In addition, the applicant should send one curriculum vitae of no more than 2 pages, including information about areas of expertise and languages. If the applicant is employed by an institution, the consent of the institution should be included.

Deadline: 15 September 2014.

Address: Consortium of European Research Libraries, Finsbury Business Centre, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0NE, UK.

Or e-mail the application to

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