Antwerp Summer School
Book and Culture – ‘Religions of the Book’
15–17 September 2014
The range of subjects is broad: from typography to religious prints, from seventeenth century religious manuscripts to Antwerp’s religious book production. Participants of the Summer School will also be given exclusive previews of the exhibitions that will open during the SHARP conference. During these visits detailed information will be provided by the makers of the exhibitions.
Finally, a printing demonstration on an original printing press and a speed course First Aid and Old Books will be part of the diverse program (see the SHARP website for the full program).
For registration see the SHARP website.
Fee: € 150: including lunches, and drinks.
The number of participants is limited to 20. Admittance will be in order of registration.
Prerequisites: a basic bibliographical knowledge of the old book.
Organizers: the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Antwerp and the Flemish Book Historical Society
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