Archives par mot-clé : manuscrits


Manuscripts and Archives

A conference at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures Warburgstraße 26, Hamburg

 19‐22 November, 2014

 © CESR, Tours - BVH


 Wednesday, 19 November 2014 (room 0001)

5.00 pm      Registration

6.00 pm      Keynote: Markus Friedrich, Hamburg:

“How European Culture Became Archival. The History and Relevance of Organized Record‐Keeping in the Latin West”

8.00 pm      Dinner

 Thursday, 20 November 2014 (room 0001)

10.00 am  Welcome & Introduction

Chair: Michael Friedrich, Hamburg

Dietmar Schenk, Berlin

Archives, Archival Records and Archival Thinking: Considerations from an Archivist’s Point of View

Cécile Michel, Paris

Constitution, Contents, Filing and Use of Private Archives: The Case of the Old Assyrian Archives

12.00 pm  Coffee Break

 12.30 pm  Fredrik Norland Hagen, Copenhagen

Archives in Ancient Egypt: Forms, Purpose and Usage

 1.30 pm      Lunch

2.30 pm      Chair: Alessandro Bausi, Hamburg Jean‐Luc Fournet, Paris

Archives and Libraries in Greco‐Roman Egypt

Alberto Camplani, Rome

‘Setting a Bishopric / Arranging an archive’: Traces of Archival Activity in the Diocesis of Alexandria and other Cities of Late‐Antique Egypt and Syria

4.30 pm      Coffee Break

5.00 pm      Thomas Graumann, Cambridge

Documents and Acts in Early Christian Church Councils

6.15 pm      Gary Urton, Cambridge (USA)

Archives of Knotted Strings in Ancient Peru: Administrative and Historical Accounting in the Inka khipu

8.00 pm      Dinner

Friday, 21 November 2014 (room 0001)

10.00 am  Chair: Christian Brockmann, Hamburg

Michael Jamentz, Tokyo

Archives in Japan: The Legacy of Houses and Hierarchies

Gianfranco Fiaccadori, Milan

Archives in Ethiopia and Eritrea: from Antiquity to Early Modern: A Historical Survey

12.00 pm  Coffee Break

12.30 pm  Michael Grünbart, Münster

Securing, Preserving and Displaying Written Documents in Byzantium

 1.30 pm      Lunch

2.30 pm      Chair: Sabine Kienitz, Hamburg Olivier Venture, Paris

Can Shang Oracle Bone Inscriptions from the End of the Second Millennium BCE Be

Considered as Archives

 Charles Ramble, Paris

Archival Research in the Tibeto‐Himalayan Borderlands: the State of the Question

4.30 pm      Coffee Break

 5.00 pm      Gregory Kourilsky, Bristol & Patrice Ladwig, Halle

From Monastic Repository to Museum and Digital Archive: Transformations of Forms of Usage and Storage in Thai‐Lao Buddhist Manuscript Culture

 7.00 pm      Dinner

Saturday, 22 November 2014 (room 0001)

9.30 am       Chair: Tilman Seidensticker, Jena

Christian Müller, Paris

Judicial Archives in Islam: from diwān al‐qāḍī to Ottoman Court Registers

Jörg Gengnagel, Heidelberg

Manuscripts and Documents at the Court in Jaipur (Rajasthan) between the Archives and the Museum

11.30 am  Coffee Break

12.00 pm  Joe Dennis, Madison

Archival Structures and Practices in Ming (1368‐1644) and Qing China (1644‐1911)

1.00 pm      Lunch

2.00 pm      Final Discussion

Source de l’information : M. Peyrafort, « Les rapports entre les manuscrits et les archives au centre d’un colloque à Hambourg. », dans Biblioblog, site Libraria, Annonces, Paris, IRHT, 2014 (Ædilis, Sites de programmes scientifiques, 4) [En ligne]’un-colloque-à-hambourg