Archives par mot-clé : USTC

Appel à contribution

The Early Modern Book Trade

Honorat fleuron
Universal Short Title Project
Co-organised by Shanti Graheli and Dr Jan Alessandrini
18.06.2015-20.06.2015, St Andrews, Scotland

Honorat fleuron
This conference invites contributions on any facet of buying and selling
in the early modern book trade: failures and successes of print
ventures; strategies and ideas to increase the sales; rebinding,
reprinting, reediting; cooperation and competition amongst booksellers;
the day-to-day life of printing firms and bookshops; fairs and permanent
markets; catalogues advertising stock and individual libraries being
auctioned; taste and trends in the purchase of books; influence of
censorship and regulations.

The papers given at this conference will form the basis of a volume in
the Library of the Written Word.

The call for papers is now open and will also be available online on the
USTC website: Those interested in giving a paper should
contact Dr Jan Alessandrini ( at St Andrews,
offering a brief description of their likely contribution.

The call for papers will close on 30 November 2014.

The program will be available in 2015.

Source :


Losts Books

19-21 June 2014, University of St Andrews

Honorat fleuron    Questions of survival and loss bedevil the study of early printed books. Many early publications are not particularly rare, but others are very scarce, and many have disappeared altogether. We can infer this from the improbably large number of books that survive in only one copy, and it is confirmed by the many references in contemporary documents to books that cannot now be identified in surviving book collections.

This conference will address the issue of how far this corpus of lost books can be reconstructed from contemporary documentation, and how this emerging perception of the actual production of the early book trade – rather than those books that are known from modern library collections – should impact on our understanding of the industry and contemporary reading practice.



News from USTC


New Italian Imprints Discovered in French Libraries

Grazie al lavoro attento e minuzioso di Shanti Graheli, USTC si arricchisce di 22.000 descrizioni di libri italiani presenti in 25 biblioteche francesi.

3.600 esemplari sono stati descritte in modo esaustivo ed alcune edizioni risultavano, fino ad oggi, del tutto ignote.

Per maggiori informazioni si veda al seguente  indirizzo

Honorat fleuron